• How Hiring A Felony Defense Attorney Differs From Other Criminal Attorneys

    Criminal attorneys manage all kinds of cases. Some may manage cases whereby the accused parties have only committed misdemeanors. Other lawyers, like a felony defense attorney, handle just felony cases. Dealing with felonies and misdemeanors are worlds apart, since the severity of the punishments with felonies are far greater. Here is how hiring a felony defense attorney differs from other criminal attorneys. You Absolutely Need a Felony Defense Attorney When the crime you are accused of is severe enough, you should not be without an attorney.
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  • Tips For Avoiding DUI During Oktoberfest

    Oktoberfest, a beer-drinking festival traditionally celebrated in the fall in Germany, is nowadays celebrated by millions of people in the U.S. Given that alcohol is part and parcel of Oktoberfest festivities, attendees can easily get stopped for driving under the influence on their way home after the party. If you are planning to attend Oktoberfest, take these precautions so that you don't drink and drive: Have a Designated Driver Oktoberfest may be a beer-themed festival, but it's not just about drinking alcohol; there are other activities you can enjoy.
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  • Drink Spiking Can Lead To Surprise Dui Charges, Use These Tips To Avoid It

    Drink spiking, where someone adulterates your nonalcoholic drink with alcohol, can lead to charges of driving under the influence (DUI). You may be a victim of drink spiking by those who wish to steal from you, assault you, or prank you. At first, you may not even realize you are drunk; you may only realize it when you get stopped for erratic driving and failing the sobriety tests. With that in mind, take these precautions the next time you are at a party where alcohol is being served, and you are drinking a nonalcoholic beverage:
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  • Four Tips For Getting Information From Witnesses During An Accident

    There is a vehicle accident somewhere in the world every 60 seconds, according to the National Highway Traffic Administration. Knowing this, there is a good chance you or someone you know may end up in a car accident at some point or another in your lifetime. There is often a lot of commotion going on at the scene of a car accident, but you want to make sure that the details of the car accident do not get overshadowed.
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  • Guilty Of A DUI? Understand How To Protect Your Future

    Life is all about learning from your mistakes. If you made a poor choice and got behind the wheel while under the influence, you should take responsibility for your actions. However, this does not mean you have to settle for an overly harsh or unjust sentence. If you are guilty of a DUI, make sure you have an attorney on your side. What's At Stake? There is a somewhat common misconception that jail sentences and expensive fines are reserved for those convicted of a DUI where injuries are present or for a repeat offense.
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  • Facing Your First Mayor's Court Hearing? What Can You Expect?

    If you've recently been cited for a traffic or ordinance violation and summoned to appear in one of the Buckeye State's many mayor's courts, you may be nervous about your first court appearance and wondering exactly what will happen. Fortunately, these courts are more informal than trial courts and can often allow you to represent yourself -- although there are a few situations in which you may want to enlist the help of experienced counsel to best protect your rights.
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  • Why Children Can Be Tried As Adults In Court For Criminal Offenses

    If you are dealing with your child being accused of some sort of criminal offense, you may be wondering if they will face adult charges for the crime. While there is not a single reason that this may happen, it's good to be aware of all of the possibilities so that you are prepared for it. They Are Accused of a Serious Crime The nature of the crime is going to be the biggest factor to determine if children are tried as adults in court.
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  • 3 Facts About Legal Marijuana Every Resident Of A Recreationally Legal State Needs To Know

    Four states, including Colorado, Alaska, Washington, and Oregon, have legalized marijuana for recreational use. However, this change does not bring with it total freedom from drug charges and stipulations where marijuana is involved. If you live in one of these four states, it is best to get to know the fine print so you don't end up in a sticky situation doing something you thought would now be perfectly legal. Here are three facts about legal marijuana you should know if the state where you live has legalized Cannabis for recreational use.
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  • Diversion Programs: What You Need To Know After Being Charged With A DUI

    If you have recently been pulled over, arrested and charged for drinking and driving, you may be scared out of your mind. This is the first time this has ever happened and you don't know what to do. Luckily, first-time offenders often have an easier time of showing prosecutors and the court that it was a mistake and that they are able to behave more responsibly moving forward. One way to do this is through a DUI diversion program.
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  • Appearances Count In Criminal Court: What You Should Know

    You've probably heard the saying before that "clothes don't make the man," but clothes—and your looks in general—can affect a jury's perception of you in a trial. It may not be entirely fair, but your looks can influence a jury's decisions. Knowing that, turn it to your advantage as much as possible. Try to look like everybody else. While U.S. culture tends to value individuality on principle, that value tends to fade inside a court of law.
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