Drinking And Driving: What You Must Know

Posted on: 4 May 2016

You might not have been pulled over for driving while under the influence of alcohol, but you may hold a lot of erroneous beliefs about the process. Knowing the truth about what happens if you are drinking and driving may help you to be more responsible when you drink; here are some of the facts you need to be aware of.

You May Not Be Able to Fool the Police Officer

Many people who drink and get out on the road think that they are in control of themselves and can drive properly. However, it is important to know that you might feel "fine" but still be over the legal limit in your state. Also, in an intoxicated state, your ability to make good decisions might be affected and the police officer that stops you may be able to tell right away that you are intoxicated. Avoid thinking you'll be able to fool the officer; if you have been drinking, it is best to stay off the road altogether.

You Probably Need to Take DUI Tests

You might have read or heard that you don't have to take a field sobriety test or that you can refuse to give a sample of your urine. Keep in mind that these actions make you look guilty. Moreover, if you live in certain states in the country, you should be aware that when you accepted your driving license, you provided implied consent for DUI tests. Refusing them might cost you your driver's license.

Avoid Attempts to Postpone Tests

If you know that you're drunk and you know you can't refuse tests, you might do everything you can to delay whatever tests the police want to give you. You may think that you'll have some time to become sober or less intoxicated if you can just procrastinate or distract the police.

However, the police are typically prepared for such an attempt. In addition, the police officer who arrested you can testify about your behavior on the road and during the stop. That alone may be enough to convict you, even if a urine or breathalyzer test wasn't done.

You are Likely to Need an Attorney

When it is time for your court date, you might imagine that you'll throw yourself at the mercy of the court or that you can reason with the judge on your own. However, help from a good DUI lawyer might be able to lessen or eliminate charges against you. A lawyer might try to dispute the legality of the traffic stop that led to discovery of your intoxicated state or dispute the results of the DUI tests, which can save you from suffering penalties.

For more information, contact R. Patrick McPherson Attorney At Law or a similar legal professional.
